25th anniversary of St. John the Baptist parish
Dear Parishioners: This year marks the 25th anniversary of St. John the Baptist parish’s founding. We are planning a very special gesture in recognition of a quarter of a century […]
Dear Parishioners: This year marks the 25th anniversary of St. John the Baptist parish’s founding. We are planning a very special gesture in recognition of a quarter of a century […]
РАСПОРЕД БОГОСЛУЖЕЊА У ТОКУ ЧАСНОГ ПОСТА2024: У току поста (осим прве недеље) сваке Среде у18:30 часова служиће се ПређеосвећенаЛитургијаАприл, 7 – Благовести- Литургија у 9:30 часоваАприл, 28.-Лазарева Субота-ВРБИЦА- Литургија у […]
Драга браћо и сестре, Свима желим срећну и благословену 2024 годину. Шаљем вам рапоред богослужења за остатак Јануара. Позивамо све да нам се придруже 21. Јануара, јер ће са нама […]
The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija: The Historical and Spiritual Heartland of the Serbian People https://sebastianpress.org/the-christian-heritage-of-kosovo-and-metohija-the-historical-and-spiritual-heartland-of-the-serbian-people/?fbclid=IwAR0SWZ3G04VEg2KS2cdT6oAcd4kKUvpHUxtw9sfiRtjNFp1p3FdFv5C6ugU
Founded in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, over a century ago, the Serb National Federation is one of the oldest and largest Serbian-American fraternal organizations on this continent. Today, the SNF continues to […]
The CBS Colorado Video & Article can be found here https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/serbian-church-celebrates-nikola-jokic-st-john-the-baptist-serbian-orthodox-colorado-denver-nuggets/